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T.I Student and Software Developer in the making.

Hi i am Oni Dev, Student of Software Development.

I am a student of Civil engineering in Computing and Informatics from the North Catholic University.

Currently learning Software Development by myself to increase my opportunities.

Ezine, Python

Python For System Admin Fast BootCamp. Modifying file read and write and using regular expression.

In this tutorial fast boot camp for python for system admin , we will look into how to open , edit file and use regular expression for quickly replace text . useful for system admin.

File Modes in Python

‘r’This is the default mode. It Opens file for reading.
‘w’This Mode Opens file for writing.
If file does not exist, it creates a new file.
If file exists it truncates the file.
‘x’Creates a new file. If file already exists, the operation fails.
‘a’Open file in append mode.
If file does not exist, it creates a new file.
‘t’This is the default mode. It opens in text mode.
‘b’This opens in binary mode.
‘+’This will open a file for reading and writing (updating)
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